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Humanity ! Saving Baby Elephant caught with a snare around his leg & given timely treatment
Elephant caught up with Deadly Snare was fortunate to meet kind people to treat her swollen leg
Saving Elephant suffering from infected wound caused by a painful Snare by giving timely treatment
Humanity! Elephant suffering from Abscess in the leg carefully treated & given the life again
Treating a Snared Bull Elephant | Sheldrick Trust
Humanity! Wildlife guardians treated Elephant suffering from maggot infested Abscess in the anus
Saving baby Elephant from brutal snare cutting deeply in to the trunk and treated for the injury
Humanity! Releasing Elephant from horrible Snare wrapped around the leg & giving necessary treatment
Elephant rescued from cable snare by Saving the Survivors
Elephant suffered with Abscess forming injuries due to a snare, Treated and brought to his feet
Wildlife officials treating a leg injury of a baby elephant | Animal treatment | Jungle animals
Humanity! Saving the life of Elephant by draining a pus oozing leg Abscess & giving proper treatment